Sunday, 6 February 2011

An Enjoyable Necessity

Well hello there :)

We've been super busy recently, which is always good! For those of you who aren't up-to date, here's a a quick recap!

We uploaded a new cover of Price Tag by Jessie J onto YouTube last week and uploaded an acoustic version of our latest original song “Wave Goodbye To Me” yesterday. You can find the full version on iTunes: If you're awesome, clickidy click right here!

Seriously guys, we just want to say thank you so much to anyone who has bought this song, or bought any of our other originals/covers on iTunes. It's beyond amazing to think that we're on some people's iPods/computers and your support seriously means the world to us. (I told you I was the cheese and Debs was the chalk!)

Haha! Moving swiftly on...

We can't wait for you guys to see our next video which will feature the amazing J Lynn Johnston. Absolutely super excited about it, and we'll have it finished and uploaded sometime this week :)

In other news, we're always writing whenever we can and plan to release more originals, whenever we can. We're quite sporadic, as you may have noticed! Because we're using different producers and methods when recording our originals, instead of putting them all on one CD we're releasing them one song at a time.

You know a few YouTubers like to do random competitions? Well I was talking to Debs and we were talking about maybe doing our own little competition. What do you think, would you be up for it? We'll probably give it a go anyway and see how it goes down. :)

Right. I better go because I'm absolutely exhausted, and this week my Sunday afternoon nap has been highly deserved. For some reason, without fail, I have a nap every Sunday. Do you ever nap? Some people think I'm crazy but I think napping is just like eating – an enjoyable necessity.

Lots of love,
Micki x


  1. i love this i follow u guys on youtube i didnt realize u had a blog as well

  2. Ha, I nap every sunday as well! I call it my catch-up day. I catch up on homework, sleep, and tv.
