Wednesday, 30 March 2011


Debs here :)

'About time!' you're probably thinking. Well partly it is my fault for putting off writing this in my spare time, but the space between this blog and our last is also due to a period of change we have been experiencing as a band. At this point in time it seems right that we share with you what we've been thinking and praying about lately; something we wouldn't have been as able to communicate a couple of weeks ago.

You may have noticed that we haven't posted a video onto YouTube for 5-6 weeks. This is because of my uni work pressures being quite intense over that time, but also because we felt it necessary to re-evaluate our aims and motivation for doing what we do!

YouTube has been such an overwhelming blessing to us. Most of our fans discovered us through this medium, and we really are indebted to our YouTube fan-base for launching us onto the worldwide platform we have now. However, a few weeks ago we were forced to reconsider what exactly inspires and motivates us to project ourselves onto YouTube and perform in front of thousands of people.

As any channel artists will know, watching video views and subscriber hits climb is both fascinating and perhaps a little too addictive. And we had to admit to ourselves that a big part of our motivation for posting videos was in order to increase our stats and be reassured of our popularity!

You may be thinking 'What's wrong in that?' and of course, there's nothing wrong in wanting to improve and reach a wider audience: and the thrill and exposure that comes with that. But at the core of DaViglio and our aspirations for the band, is a hope that we first and foremost approach everything we do with the expectation of positively impacting somebody's life - whether that be through our lyrics, or our performances.

So what does this mean? Well, from now on we may start to do songs that aren't necessarily top of the charts but songs that we love to listen to and perform. When we first started out performing together we recorded the songs that were the most played on our iPods regardless of whether they were cool! Hence videos such as Days Go By appearing on our channel which was a B-side 
written by Delta Goodrem and relatively unknown even for her fans.. but we love it still!

The other big factor that caused us to take some time out and reconsider our future was an opportunity Micki was offered by one of the biggest management companies in the world. She faced a massive decision and a life-changing one. I told Micki that I would support her whatever her final decision would be and she spent some time praying for direction and guidance.

She decided to turn the offer down. For those of you who aspire to be world-famous artists, you are probably wondering what on earth Micki was thinking giving up this chance to become the next big thing. So I'll let her explain for you:

"The reason I decided to turn this opportunity down is because I have felt 
DaViglio is something that is right for a long time. Together me and Debs are able to write music in our own special way and we have spent many years crafting our act. Besides, I couldn't bare to be in the industry alone, without my best friend. In all seriousness though, it isn't the easiest of industries to be involved with and the thought of flying off to America on my own was daunting. I love being a part of DaViglio and feel that we've got a lot more to share and accomplish together."


So this has been a long and in-depth blog. Thanks for sticking with us right to the end. I guess this makes up for the lack of blogging of late!

We do have more projects coming up in the near future, and we  also have quite a few gigs keeping us busy which we always enjoy :)

Thanks for listening!

Debs xx
(And briefly Micki)


  1. Wow, that is big! And I totaly understand why you'd turn that down! DaViglio is awesome and should stay together. Besides, you'd be turned into the next Miley, Selena or Demi.
    DaViglio needs to stay together and I'll keep on wishing for an awesome contract :)


  2. Not only are you both very talented, you also have your heads screwed on properly, which in this day and age is a lot more important (and rare). Micki, you've made a brave decision and, I think, a wise one because you and Debs are a class act and complement each other perfectly. How big you become (without sacrificing your happiness) is pretty much in your hands I reckon and there will be plenty of offers down the line. It must be daunting but your faith (and the fact that you clearly have your feet on the ground) will help you continue to make the right decisions. Best of luck to you.

  3. I love how you guys just mention you prayed about things as if it is just second nature and the obvious thing to do.

    I did find you through YouTube but it's the fact that you aren't in it for the popularity that made me follow on here and twitter etc.

    Amazing stuff and hope God can really use you in whatever way he can through your music.

  4. wow i am happy u guys decided to stick with it u are amazing friends and i look foward to ur new phase on yuotube :)

  5. Incredibly admirable, and I have nothing but respect for you both. These kind of things can really separate true friends from the ones looking for any kind of success. I have no doubt you guys will have the success you deserve together, everything happens for a reason and at times where you ever feel under pressure, always stick together, as that is most important. Best wishes, Dan x

  6. Good on ya girls!! I say always do what is in your heart not your agenda. For a second it sounded like you were going to give it up. Thank god because it seems like you really enjoy it. As for the choice of songs to come...if you are enjoying singing and playing the songs they will be great regardless of popularity. Who knows yo may even bring some of the lees noticed songs to light in your own special way. Keep it up i love your stuff and i know thousands of others do to. From Ian in Australia. if you ever come out i'll be there for sure with a big group of friends :) see ya!!

  7. It is good to see friends stand together. I haven't been subbed to you on the tube for long but I have enjoyed everything you do so far. You and I know that some songs are not what someone is into but so far you rock...
    Love your tunes, Mick

  8. What a kickass decision. I'm so proud of you girls

  9. I know it's kinda cliché but I'll pray for you and God bless u girls and I hope you'll find what you want to do in your lives, you two are such an amazing blessing, and I'm really grateful to God that I have stumbled upon you on youtube.
    Looking forward to the new songs ;)
    A fan from Hungary
